· Shandong Lineng Electric Technology Co., Ltd.
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The current position: Outstanding Achievements

Outstanding Achievements

Operation and maintenance project of Manado 2*50MW coal-fir- Shandong Lineng Electric Technology Co., Ltd.

Views:Date:2021-11-11 11:06

The operation and maintenance project of Manado 2*50MW coal-fired power station in Indonesia is located in North Minahasa City, Kema Region, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This project is the Indonesian PT. MINAHASA CAHAYA LESTARI company commissioned by our company to carry out the Indonesian localized operation and maintenance project. We are fully responsible for the personnel recruitment, personnel training, production operation, overhaul and maintenance of the entire power plant, spare parts and consumables procurement, fuel and chemical Drug procurement, security and sanitation work. Up to now, the project has basically achieved the goal of localized operation and maintenance. The main production and maintenance work is completed by Indonesian employees, and the Chinese employees are responsible for providing supervision and technical guidance services.

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